F*ck You Temptations – Please Read!

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by Ingram, Feb 13, 2015.

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  1. Restling

    Restling I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Dec 30, 2012
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    This issue is serious enough. I wouldn't get sidetracked on personal fights with trolling posters. You Haven't exactly been the most pleasant to some in the past.... Pot?
  2. marshe

    marshe The Original Hottie and Hellraiser Registered Member

    Feb 5, 2010
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    when not on vacation, home based 25 mns from Toron
    +1,772 / 4
    Dude.....U should find something else to do
    like hang out on the 'busy GP forum' ok
    Not in the mood to play stupid BS with you right now.
  3. jeff & deb

    jeff & deb I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Nov 7, 2009
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  4. jnine

    jnine I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Oct 24, 2014
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    Central Michigan
    +2,849 / 3
    Here is what is known...

    1: TWO couples have come on here verifying Ingram did none of the actions he was accused of.

    2: Steve has vouched for Ingram, going so far as to call him a "Gentle Giant". That's good enough for me to believe him.

    3: The only contradictory opinion (other than CoolCats) is from a second hand source after a long day of drinking, who may or may not have witnessed the same event. As suggested, it is a possibility they saw something entirely different.

    4: The resort is definitely in CYA (Cover Your Ass) mode to justify their actions and over reaction, so a little embellishment helps their story. (Which I doubt many believe)

    The "hitting with the table" part is nonsense. I have never met the man, but I don't think he needs to whack anybody with a flimsy plastic beach table to make his point. He is perfectly capable of stopping any attack without even throwing a punch. All he needs to do is wrap them up and put them down.

    5: Security (or lack of) dropped the ball on this whole incident big time, and it all could have been averted with a little more attention on the resorts part. I don't believe the lady would have felt cornered enough to give any shove had security been paying attention sooner.

    I would love to see the couple get their money back, but I think the best you can hope for is an apology / admission of sorts, and a room credit for your lost week. I would think that would be a "good faith" effort on the resorts part to show everyone here that they care about the guests, and would go a long way towards making this right, or at least better.

    Step up TTR management! Do the right thing. Like it or not, your team had a big hand in ruining this couples time away - and their anniversary no less! You've got plenty of open weeks throughout the year so make this happen for them, and make it right in front of everyone on this board.
  5. Restling

    Restling I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Dec 30, 2012
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    I understand my post is part of them problem, but I've been following this thread as others have. As people start to turn on each other, mostly coolcat, then you lose sight of what this is really about, and that's getting the OP some retribution from Temptation, or someone.

    Hopefully you guys with years of experience can negotiate some thing, because there doesn't appear to be any holes in the story for most on here.
  6. Donald

    Donald Devil's advocate Registered Member

    Dec 2, 2010
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    received an PM , saying they are looking into the report and thanking me for being concerned.

    At least they responded.,, will see what happens.

    It does seem like there were 2 incidents,????, then all they would have to do is look at there surveillance videos.
  7. jnine

    jnine I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Oct 24, 2014
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    Central Michigan
    +2,849 / 3
    WHAT??? I thought we had covered the no cameras or video policy? Great! Now you've stirred up another hornets nest! LOL
  8. LeeAnn & Gary

    LeeAnn & Gary Regular Registered Member

    Feb 9, 2012
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    Cocoa Beach, Florida
    +13 / 0
    What a HOT mess!! I feel for you guys.

    The one thing I wouldn't have done differently was for your wife not go in the same cop car as you did. By doing that she was putting herself in danger and ended up in jail as well. :( In hindsight the best bet was for her to grab a friend to take a taxi to the police station. We have been to TTR several times ourselves and have witnessed a few issue's with several single guys being total jerks to others. Young, dumb, booze, and egos seem to cause the biggest issues there. With that being said those type of guys are giving a horrible reputation for the single guys who are really decent folks. I guess at TTR there is zero tolerance and it should be for any type of violence. As for TTR not issuing you any refunds I am assuming in their corporate minds that it is your lost and no longer their problem. You know the saying sweep it under the rug and everything is ok. I wonder if you are trespassed from ever going back on the property. I hope you get your money back and as for the drunk single guy karma always goes back around.

    As for this Coolcat guy, it seems he is an instigator more than anything. It's almost like he is a mole for TTR. There is nothing on his public profile that even shows he is part of the TTR family or has even been there. The more he posts the more he is stirring the pot. All in all, I really do hope you recover your expenses from this huge fiasco.
  9. float

    float Regular Registered Member

    Sep 26, 2009
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    Lake Dallas, Texas
    +1 / 0

    Guys, please do not take this occurrence as an everyday thing.
    I don't want to discuss what is right or wrong with what happened BUT,
    we have been going to BBG and TTR since 2001 and this is a first for us. Yes, you see drunks, you avoid them. That happens whenever there is alcohol involved, unfortunately!
    Now that this has happened, the odds are way in your favor that it will not happen for a very long time so go, have fun and enjoy yourself!
    Meet some people and hang with them. You will find no other group sexy, easy going, fun loving, friendly, sexy, and just wanting to get along and enjoy their time at a very happy place to be for a short period of time. Did I mention sexy people there also! LOL
    Please, go and enjoy yourself!!

    I for one WILL NOT let a few spoil what many strive to achieve. That seems to be the mantra as of late. The squeaky wheel is the one that gets the attention.
    I WILL NOT have my vacation ruined by some AHOLE being an AHOLE!! They know who they are and so should everyone and they will for sure be ostracized like they should.
    The problem will take care of itself through post like this and making other aware.

    Problems people will soon go disappear!
  10. Restling

    Restling I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Dec 30, 2012
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    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2017
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