Oh no...I wouldn't. Oh, you don't have target right...but you could order online...right? Let me see if I can find it for you.
http://www.target.com/Conair-Wet-to...ew=custReviews&asin=B000JUV9LU#R2VJP36GQIYVYO THis is the one I have now (above): Wet-to-Dry Ceramic 1.5" Straightener not as good as the one had before...still looking for that one. I don't use it on my hair wet because that just doesn't make sense. I use it after I blow my hair dry.
how many times do you have to run it thru each section to get it straight. cause the one i have now which retails for about 130 bucks or so has burnt out sort of and i have to run it thru each section like 5 or 6 times before it straightens as straight as i want it...and this is what i want to avoid.
http://www.target.com/gp/detail.htm...=B000KZ6OKK&nodeID=&merchantID=A1VC38T7YXB528 This is the one that I had before that worked great. I have really really thick corse hair and it worked wonders for my hair. I am assuming you use some kind product before you straighten your hair?
I would say maybe twice I have to run it through. I don't really section off my hair I just take a chunk and run it through.