Discussion in 'Temptation Exiles' started by Steve, Nov 26, 2016.
Royal Sands Mar 25 - Apr 1 one couple BC - yes
We are staying at Desire RM March 10-15 2 people And we would LOVE to go on a Boobs Cruise
We are staying at Desire march 10-15 and would love a Boobs Cruise too!!!!!
I put the wrong dates previously - we are at Breathless RM March 19 - 30.
Desire RM March 11-18
Desire RM March 15 - 19 2 No I'm just following Dave's instructions
2-28 to 3-7 GP Couple
GP March 2-7 1 couple Boobs Cruise yes
Hotel: oasis sens Dates: March 19-26 Number in Group: 2 Interested in Boobs Cruise? Yes
Golden Parmassus March 8-11, Desire RM 11-13