There really is no need to keep dragging up old threads from the depths to get a rise out of me and go against what I said yesterday. You're testing my patience now. Either play by the rules or dont play at all.
They just keep pushing you........ Guess they don't know what can happen... They will not like it..............:icon_cry:
Steve.....isn't this thread permisible on this forum? You meant you didn't want it on the Hotel forum correct? Because Exhibitionism has to be a popular "sport" at does voyeurism? I can't believe that the most of us are not one or another....or both...............right? We are all show offs aren't we? Seriously
if it weren't for the ladies very willing exhibitionism.....and the guys vouyerism.......would TTR exist? probably not.......TTR is much more about titilation than Desire or Hedo don't you think?:mermaid:
i have decided my only suit will be one string fropnt to back..............actually I have 22 suits but we're onl;y there 12 I'll have to chjange to wear them all and a sneak in the afternoon to the quiet pool will find us nakie.....
Nakie & the quiet pool don't usually mix very well. The more reserved people that hang out on that side will frown on complete nudity. :icon_frown: