Exercising Together !!!

Discussion in 'Free For All' started by Deleted member 12579, Jan 5, 2011.

  1. halifaxdan

    halifaxdan I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Mar 19, 2008
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    Halifax NS Canada
    +49 / 2
    Don't get me wrong Kim, i'm not trying to be a hard ass and i think many times Mj hates my diet cause we can't eat together or at least the same foods. She can eat what she wants n never get above 110 lbs. But i like being lean n to me its totally worth it to make the little sacrifices
  2. Deleted member 12579

    Deleted member 12579 Guest

    +0 / 0
    nope didnt think you were .. I agree.. I have friends that think I am obsessed.. and maybe i am a bit.. but 90 % of my friends are overweight.. I do feel like the odd man out when for dinner I will order grilled salmon and salad and a diet coke.. they just roll their eyes at me .. ahah!! I am not perfect at it .. I still have triggers and things that I love to eat and sometimes I just give in.. but .. I always get back on the horse.. my biggest mistake was last summer.. I was sick to death of restricting and dieting and watching every one eat and drink what ever they wanted.. all summer long.. I decided to say screw it .. and I did for a while..then went to Temptation in September then xmas so here I am back on the horse..
  3. glenn/monique

    glenn/monique Titties n Beer Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2006
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    +427 / 1
    Thanks Dan I am pushing hard to get more weight off. I want to be a size three again by summer. Dan what kind of foods do you eat?
  4. glenn/monique

    glenn/monique Titties n Beer Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2006
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    I seem to get lower by Friday but then the weekend comes and maybe we eat out once or twice............I still choose decent food but it seems that I end up back a 1lb or so. I am though getting smaller. Worse thing is all of my bras are getting to big............always the boobs. Like I had any to start. I guess I am still porptionate though. My hips are down to 36 inches. I made a new workout program and I know it is working cause I am sore and I am hitting deep into the muscles. Really feeking the burn.
  5. glenn/monique

    glenn/monique Titties n Beer Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2006
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    +427 / 1
    Cancun is a cheat day everyday. I always gain 5 llbs which is why I am in this dilema. My first trip I was 125 and a size 1 and now I am dealing with the aftermath of Cancun trips. I don't really drink much otherwise. Maybe only three times a year. I wish it would warm up some so I can do hills. Damm -30 is killing me.
  6. Ben & Lisa

    Ben & Lisa Addict Registered Member

    Jan 17, 2009
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    this is Mrs. snowguy68 or you could just call me Lisa. If you ladies or guys are looking for a great way to lose fat and get lean muscle, then google "tabatas"
    it really does work. I look forward to seeing most of you in April.
  7. halifaxdan

    halifaxdan I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Mar 19, 2008
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    Halifax NS Canada
    +49 / 2
    I eat high protein, moderate fat n extremely low carb foods. Meaning lots of meat, chicken, eggs, nuts. My carbs mostly consist of brown rice, broccoli n cauliflower, and the odd potatoe(maybe once a week). Oh n protein shakes of course. My diet is strict enough n works good enough that i don't do any cardio
  8. Deleted member 12579

    Deleted member 12579 Guest

    +0 / 0
    yes that is me right now... but this past weekend.. i was 100% jc and nothing .. now that pisses me off... its not the end of the week for me until Thursday so if its not at lease 1 lbs.. jenny can kiss my butt,,, lol cause i can do that and did do that on my own food.. haha!! 15 minute tm and 25 min on the bells tonight... ;)
  9. Deleted member 12579

    Deleted member 12579 Guest

    +0 / 0
    this looks interesting .. I might give this a try.. I have kettlebells and have been doing that..but I only have one CD and its boring .. lol hubby is going to find me more..so do you only do this once a day for 5 minutes or as often as you can? .. guess I need to read up more on it.. thanks for the tip!!
  10. angels_among_us

    angels_among_us Guest

    +0 / 0
    :huepfen021:worked out for two hours yesterday :huepfen021: Today I hurt!! :ranting1: Gonna try for atleast a hour today at the Gym :huepfen021:
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