Did an hour and a half of cardio, boxing, and weights this morning. And I'm down 1.3lbs! Only 6lbs to my TTR goal. Gotta bust my ass for the next 11 days.
Well busted my ass to on the weights today. Lot's of abs, rear rows, rear flies, chest press, chest flies, lunges, band walk outs, kettle bell v sits, kettle bell roll ups, and side planks with half spidermans, bicep curls and tricep kick backs. Plan on doing another work out later on the elliptical or bike or maybe I nice long walk. It's gorgeous outside today up to a whole 6 celcius.
Down another half pound today! Only 5.5 to my goal and 9 days to do it! Tortured myself with 2.5 hours of weights, boxing, and cardio today. Hopefully I'll be able to do at least another 2 tomorrow... If I can even walk. Lol Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
Walked on an 7 incline for 30 minutes. Rear Rows, horizontal rear rows, med ball figure 8's, bicep curls to shooulder press, diagonal rear rows, lat pull downs, crunches, cross body crunches, bridges, cross over roll up to opposite leg. Lower body tommorow.
30 minutes on the elliptical side lying leg lifts side, forward, and back cross over crunches side crunches, heel touch, bridges, crunches lunges, hamstrings on the ball downward dog hold for 2 00 min straight leg stability ball lifts l More later as it's crunch time.
Hi vicky here, duncans better half. We had to change our date to halloween due to childminders so i have a bit of time. I am 220lbs so have a long way to be Temptation ready. This weight has been a struggle for a while, fighting with my thyroid hasnt been easy. Iam not gonna set a goal i will just want to push myself as much as possible. Everyone one here is doing really well, even if the weight isnt coming off like you want your still trying. Well done. :aktion033: Walked 7 miles yesterday and gonna start my jillian micheals 30 day shred soon.
Hi Vicky, welcome.. your off to a great start.. post here every day if you like.. it helps us all to hear everyone working so hard.. even with out weight loss there is huge benifits to working out and staying strong..
And then there are some of us... well maybe just me that feels guilty as hell.. hey but I guess that could work (guilt)...LOL Welcome to the thread lots of good idea's on here.
Hi Vicky! I know how frustrating thyroid issues can be when you're trying to lose weight. It's an uphill battle but it's worth it in the end I suppose. You picked the right place for extra support. Did an hour and 40 mins of weights, boxing, legs, core, and cardio this morning. My knees are hating me for it now... And I'm down another pound!!! 4.6 to go!!! :huepfen021: