yea i hear ya on the snow shi.!! we are suppose to get a storm this weekend! yuk. we always have thanksgiving the sat. before, so the kids dont have to split the day with other inlaws. it works really well. now to stay away from the pie!! ha ha ha
Down a's not much but I am getting more serious again. The 6 weeks of chocolate are approaching so it's time to hit the diet full on so I won't eat that crap.
I am right behind you.. i weigh in on Thursday to see how much damage i did on holidays then not gonna stop until i reach my goal..
I didn't do too bad. Up 1.6 but considering the amount of alcohol I consumed I'm happy with that! Lol...
that's great.. so sorry we didn't get a chance to say good bye to you 4 ... hope you had a great trip and really hope to see your guys at cancun in the spring!!:icon_smile:
yes it was different.. lol didn't have a bad time, some things we liked, some we didn't .. Brewster did a trip report if you want to check it out..
Well... sounds like everyone is doing alright... I've gain 3 lbs.. Ah well made a challenge with a friend and plan to stick to it.... thongs in April LOL ... so I'm going full out.
Yeah that was kinda of our take on the place too. We had alot of fun party at night in the hot tub though but it was alot of pool time......almost too much. I am sure it was more fun that the cold weather here.