welcome to the thread.. this is about exercising and loosing weight and bitching and moaning when we don't.. lol feel free to share your hints and tips how your day went and anything else on your mind.. remember its not about how fast you loose it its about being healthy exercising and eating properly.. and every day is a new day!!! cheers!
yes - Welcome!! Some people are my work are doing a "biggest loser" kind of thing and I think i'm joining in. Not fair, though, as I already lost almost thirty pounds since this summer! Bitches. First weigh in is on Monday. I'm going to wear heavy clothes.:mnm:
I did the same thing at my work with one girl.. we were both the same size to start and wanted to lose the same amout of weight.. we started the middle of july ended end of October and we put in $100.00 each.. we weighed together every Monday. if we gained we had to add $10.00 if we maintained we were safe.. and by the end of October if we were not down a min 10 pounds we had to put in another $100.00 and continue, if one of was more than 10 lbs down by end of October, you got the money... soo.. I WAS NOT THE BIGGEST LOOSER..hah I lost 10 lbs she lost 11 1/2 pounds.. she walked away with the pot $270.00. ;( if you have a friend to do that with it keeps you motivated if your competitive.. which I am not.. lol but it worked really well for her.. lol here is a tip though.. dont do your weighing in on the Monday.. fridays are better.. Mondays suck cause if you had a bad weekend even somthing with extra salt.. it shows Monday morning .. haha!!
Nope I don't like the smell of it either...........red wine that is, just never liked it. Kinda like coffee.
Well I caught my first cold of the season and spent yesterday at home feeding my cold. LOL What the hell. I need a break from the knee and the cold so I can get into shape again. I still managed 25 minutes on the elliptical today but when it came to more I wasn't feeling well so I gave into the sickie in me. Well I will do better next week. Kim have a wonderful trip. Do you leave this weekend?
ah i wish i was going!!!!! have a great time. get a hangover for me too!!! just kidding! i can predict the future.. no hangover for you this whole trip, really thats what i saw!! my crystals are never wrong!! also it says we all will make our goals on the wieght loss. isnt that great news! i survived the 15 hours without too much boredom last night. phils taking his mom to the dentist so no gym today. but will kill it tomarrow. get well m. i think i will pass on the wine also. i really get headaches off that stuff. and a fuzzy feeling tounge!!!
No more 17 day diet for me lol Must be the problem!!! BE CAREFUL!!!!!! Warning - New Info on Shampoos! I just discovered this important info below. Please share with all your friends. I don't know WHY I didn't figure this out sooner!!!!! It's the shampoo I use in the shower! When I wash my hair, the shampoo runs down my whole body, and (duh!) Printed very clearly on the shampoo label is this warning, "FOR EXTRA VOLUME AND BODY." No WONDER I have been gaining weight!!! Well! I have gotten rid of that shampoo and I am going to start using Dawn dish soap instead. Its label reads, "DISSOLVES FAT THAT IS OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO REMOVE." Problem solved! If I don't answer the phone . . . I'll be in the shower!