I know what you mean about too many to count to reach April's goal. Well all we do is try and get comfortable with where we are when we are done. It's official today is a new start to getting the diet serious again. No booze for this girl until at least New Years Eve. I am gonna start drinking lots of water again too. whoooooooooohooooooooooo 130 lb here I come.:aktion033::aktion033:
k.. I would be in the hospital with alcohol poising. or at least sleeping with my head in the toilet.. I used to drink Rum and diet coke.. eventually became a 3 day hangover switch to Rye and diet coke.. eventually became a 3 day hang over now i drink Vodka and Diet coke..or White owl (white Rye) and diet coke.. 1 day hang over.. but that will eventually go to a 3 day hangover and will have to find something else.. maybe I should just "not" drink so much at one time .. ahah!
well if i stick to a few beers, then tequilia shots spaced out, im fine. too much tequilia, then im hung over!!! if i drink any thing else then bad hang over. the hang over on tequilia is i need food soon after getting up. the real trick for me is eat eat eat good and healthy before i drink, and plenty of water before, and after. if i stick to that then the hangover is very mild and goes away quick.
oh man that would be worse.. cant stand the taste and I cant take the sweet. I have heard its the mix but i drink it all the time so i really don't know what it is.. i just don't think my body or liver processes alcohol well. also when i wasn't smoking the hangovers weren't as bad..go figure.. another reason to stop smoking .. lol
I agree with partydoll the wine is nasty. Just need to give partydoll a miagee to make here feel better. Lol Rubbing hands together quickly and sending it your way Kim.