I am really missing dancing right now. I am still working it and doing my best to do anything to strengthen it. I am gonna consider doing some physio even though it won't do any good until it gets fixed. And maybe I will get a knee brace for when I am working.
So I met with the trainer again today and couldn't hardly get out of the car when I got home! Tomorrow morning should be interesting! :-/
ah yes the stiff muscles!! ive done that before. 2nd and 3rd. day really get ya. but you sure know yu worked out huh!! i need to step it up a notch today at the gym. when it gets easier, then its time to make it more difficult.have to start using wieghts now too. try to do what ever you can m. just dont work the knee unless its approved. no need to further injure it.
nah only working it if it is pain free and non weight bearing. I am however working my abs, back, shoulders, butt and arms.
k I bought a brace for the knee today. I got my work out in this morning and rode 15 km and worked the legs. I hope the brace helps at work as all the twisty motions are killing me. It's time to get working on April. I got a goal, let's do it.
well ladies, no weight loss again this week, just maintained,, i did have an awful week, started last Saturday where I drank to much.. then the the next day hungover, Sunday started the day off with a big mac and a large fry. took me 2 more days to get back on track.. I have one full week left before i go .. sure hope its a better week..
lol.. I never escape the hangover.. how do you do that..i try to eat something I take 2 ibuprofen and a gravol with a big glass of water before i go to bed.. and i am still sick for 2 day.. tell me your secret.. lol and I have to admit.. I love MacDonald s when i am hung over its the only thing that makes me feel better.... hahah!
mmmmm hangover food cottage cheese!!! cold cereal!! down 1 pound!! better than nothing, i will take it!! too many to go until april! so i wont count. phillip hasnt been called but one time this week. glad its almost over. will have to get really serious at the gym, if i want my goal to be new years!! should be a boring weekend. phil working, katie working, kathy just sitting here twitling her thumbs! have a great weekend all. im very jealous paarty doll!! only one week left for you guys!! have fun.
Shots no mix. I drank a micky of Sambuca and 15 Jello shots and two coolers last weekend.Yep I was drunk but not even a flinch of a hangover. I always drink my water before bed. What do you drink Kim?