Got a good work out in today and well starting fresh but I doubt I will see a weight loss friday. Halloween parties this weekend and next weekend. Drinking on the menu.
2.5 lbs this week.. thats a total of 8.5 down.. still have 8.5 to go .. at this rate not gonna quite make it to goal before Cabo I mean!!.. but hopefully close to it.. !!!
Ok lost that .5 lb and its friend .5lb but that just puts me where I started.. so I guess for me it's 0
well maybe your back to wear you started but you still lost 1 lb cause you were up one pound.. so its 1 lb down for Deb!! :headbanger:
great job everyone!! inhaled a port loin last night yum yum! but i did well the rest of the day. have to make my spinoch salad today. love it though! going to behave!! have a halloween party next sat. yes there will be drinking involved!!! but what the f...! life goes on. keep it up girls. party doll you will make your deadline!! just stay strong! i will have my hangys off by new years!! or i will dye trying!!!!! dramatic i know!! ha ha ha. keeping it real.