Not sure if any of you are interested however I've been going to a Chinese herbalist and they recommended a stress massage and acupuncture, he ended up putting these magnets in my ear.. anyways the point I'm trying to make is I found that I didn't get the munchies, or stress eat for about 4 or 5 days.. anyways for those of you that are under alot of stress and feel the need to eat or munch might be somthing to try, doesn't hurt and they stay in for about 3 days, and I felt the effects for 4 or 5 maybe 6 days.
Back from a week long family beach vacation where I managed to gain 3 lbs back. Have already lost a little of it and started working out again yesterday. Hoping the rest comes off soon and I can get back to focusing on toning up this belly again!
You guys with the tequilla and me with the sambuca. No wonder my feet turn black. Hahaha couldn't have anything to do with crappy dye in shoes. Lol next time bring me a cabana boy to scrub the feet. Girl we were a dangerous combination. Good thing we both travel with babysitters. Down another pound today but gonna blame this one on hot flushes. Seems I am getting menopause for my 45 birthday. It sucks royally. Every 45 minutes or so............I turn into a hottie. Then I freeze afterwards.
yea for hot flashes!! i guess they let us know that all is still working!! im not lucky enogh to get the freeze after. yes and hurray for babysitters!!!!!! we owe them a little something. i know i will have to go in april, they get a free night of being irresponsible so we can baby sit them. i will be sure to have a camera or camcorder ready!!! evidence!! ha ha and glen gets all the water he can drink!! ha ha ha! i have a bad cold to remeber my trip by. havent had one in years!! so no gym untill it goes away. but still will watch the intake of food. keep it going well survive the flashes.
I am officially down the five pounds. It has to be my screwed up hormornes causing it as I have neve lost it this fast. I even ate a whole box of chocolate almonds ane still lost 1.5 lbs this morning. Damm I like the weighloss but hate the hot flushes especiallt at night.
Whatever caused it, congratulations!!! That's great!! My kickboxing trainer worked our legs yesterday and I can't hardly get out of bed this morning! Supposed to go play tennis in a little over an hour and I'm not sure how that's going to happen!
sooo, been back on Jenny for a week now.. lost 3.5 lbs..(i'll take it) seems to be working really well for my new digestive system... i was really worried. the first week sucks cause you are really hungry and tried and cranky .. lol and tired and tired.. haha!! but once you get used to having 1200 calories a day its ok.. hopefully i am on the downward slope.. !!