Can someone please give me details about excursion nightclubs tour with the hotel the crew. Is it worth the money to go with the hotel crew? Since we only going to be staying there Thursday-Saturday, we either have a choice of Dady O's or The City. Which one do you suggest? Does these tour include VIP table? (We dont want to be standing in the crowd packed of people.) Also do we have to beat the long line to order drinks? Or does the staff bring the drinks to us? Any info would help! Thank you!
Some guests go out every night to one of the clubs, and many don't go at all. Depends on what is most important to you on a vaca, and if you want to party hard until late at night while you are there. The City sounds like a lot of fun, and the pics look pretty crazy, although we have not been to either one. You will have preferred seating, and won't have to wait in a line to get in. You will have waiters bringing you drinks, but may have to wait longer than you like even if you tip very well. Crowded, hot, and loud, with lots of eye candy. Sounds like a great time!