hey there come on you lot get your names down in steves new thread..... Boobs Cruise on the 6th december.
We will be there Dec. 4th to 18th. Can't wait to meet you all ! This is our 3rd trip to TTR and we are looking forward to having a blast Scufty you can save us some chairs. We should be at the pool by 11am if things go quick at the airport. We will bring drinks. What's your pleasure ?
Well Im kinda partial to Vodka but have been known to drink many others We will save you a seat.....next to us. And Im sure many others
Just don't forget, the third bar seat in from the left at the pool bar is reserved for 15 days, all others are open. People tend to freak out if I'm not in my spot.
Ya I know I know ....Michelle and I tend to squish into the two to the left of you and wait for pretty women that are looking for you then .....swipe! hahahaha
I do make good bait, it must be the hair. I donated half of it to charity when Duke won last april (still don't know how that happened I don't watch college basketball) Thank goodness it's almost all grown back by now.:headbanger: