i figured someone on here would know the answer to this.. when you go to basic's website, or dady o, the city, etc.. they have a theme for each night of the week but studentcity / STS have different themes listed for those nights.. for example, on basic's site, it has saturday down as retro night, and on STS' site, it has basic down as having a 'wet & wild' party that night.. so is it safe to say that the clubs change their themes during spring break? i'll be there march 23 - 30.
thanks! then i won't bother choosing what nights i want to go in advance.. which brings me to a more important question, how DO you find out what's going on at each club? it's mid-february and they STILL haven't posted their spring break schedules on their sites. :?
Go out on the night and talk to people and look around you will see whats fun also they put banners up
lol. of course they'd put banners up! i'm lacking common sense today. haven't been to cancun in 8 years! i'm so excited. last time i went, i was 14 and didn't do much..
yea its a really good time. every night, each club is packed. somebody correct me if im wrong but basically it goes like this senor frogs- wet t shirt contests/ other contests basiscs- same thing the city- most of the performers, live acts go here (rap artists, famous DJS) coco bongos- they have various "shows" like dancers flying in the sky bull doggs- they have live acts sometimes also, (mostly rock acts, i think)
Yes senor frogs and basics seem to be about girl crowd participation . the City is about big club atmosphere with regular celeb and Live music . coco bongo has shows but its like a dinner show without the dinner hard to meet people i dont rate it . i like the whole dady rock dady o thing as you can visit both!
ultra lounge is a trance music place i get that enough back here so i excape it as one of the doormen told me in 07 they only open a few nights a week