my pappy once said, you can find the "good" or the "bad" in any person you meet - - you get to make the choice which one it will be
It is only a problem if you make it an issue. We are in a different country and dealing with people from all over the world, not many make it an issue......if you want to have fun you will........if you want to just sit and be it...........if you join in you will have the time of your life and no body will care if you are purple with green poka go will wonder why you even ask the question. For the most part nobody is judged for size, color, race, are judged by the amount of fun you will find if one person is being crazy....soon most are joining in and a good time is had by all....
Hola, never have I heard any body say any thing negitive about any body while at the resort, except for the the occational jerks. I have heard people posting before they come about not wanting to see fat old Americans. Terry
We've been there twice and I know a lot of you ain't gonna agree but we felt that if you weren't American, you were treated like shit by the bar staff. They will constantly serve an American before a Brit (I know you won't agree but that was how we found it), it didn't help that a lot of Americans there didn't believe in queing so maybe it wasn't always the staffs fault. Have to say we were well pissed off with the treatment last time, so much so we haven't been back for 3 yrs. We're really hopeing it will be different this time or it will definatley be our 3rd and final visit.
We were actually told that during our last trip by a couple from Ireland....and did notice that we would be asked for our order before they were even if their glasses were empty and we still had beverage. Would not make me happy either.
Hmmm, interesting. I'm from the UK and my hubby American, we live in the States, neither one of us had a problem getting served......but I do have to say that British people aren't used to the tipping that Americans are - maybe that has something to do with it? Just a thought........
We would agree with you B&C if we hadn't already tipped all the bars, our maid, our waiter etc. We decided to pay a lump sum at the begining of the holiday rather than pay out all the time. This worked really well with our waiter and maid as they treated us amazingly but the bar staff we dreadfull. They were quick enough to take the tip but they didn't bloody earn it. We don't mind paying for good service but paying for crap service is a bit shit. Just hope it's better this time around as we have spoken to several british couple who've said they'd never go back because the way they were treated. We probably pay a lot more to get the Cancun than most people and good service isn't a lot to ask for (especially as we'd tipped them very well).
God I (les) just read back my responses on here and it sounds so negative. I'd like to add that although we had problems with the service/attitude of the bar staff, we still loved our time there. There isn't a place like it in europe and we had a ball the last time so April can't come quick enough for us xxx