Entry requirments help!!!!

Discussion in 'Cancun Forum' started by bbwvixen, Oct 5, 2007.

  1. bbwvixen

    bbwvixen Newbie Registered Member

    Sep 1, 2007
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    My husband and I are booked to go to Cancun at the end of this month, but we have a very unusual case.

    He is neither American or Canadian really....
    He was born to Canadian parents in NYC so technically he IS both, but legally neither.

    We've tried to get a American passport but he was refused because he had his name legally changed in Canada and they will not accept the official Canadian name change. Besides his American birth certificate he has nothing else to prove his citizenship for the US as he's lived in Canada all of his life.

    We've applied for a Canadian passport but because his parents didn't register his birth, he lost his citizenship a few years ago.

    Basically he's one of at lease 80 people that have fell thru the cracks. There is a special meeting of legistative being held in the next two weeks, where he *should* (we've been told there's no reason why not) his Canadian citizenship back.

    I've spoken to several people, read all I can on the entry requirements and get conflicting answers.

    I've been advised:

    1. Canadians don't need a passport but rather picture id such as a drivers licence

    2. Americans can get into the country as long as they have proof of applying for a passport (we have the application that the US passport office had)

    3. That we need passports regardless of where we're from (Canada/USA)

    Can anyone confirm any of this?

    How difficult IS it to get into Cancun? What are the changes of being refused?

    ANY help would be appreciated!

    We've tried to post pone our vacation until he has his citizenship but skyauctions won't let us or even cancel it!
  2. Klaw

    Klaw Guest

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    I think..and I emphasis THINK, that provision was only temporary and only ran through the end of Sept 07.
  3. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    I'm pretty sure Karan is right regarding proof of application for a US passport being accpetable running out at the end of Sept. All US citizens must now have a passport to enter Mexico. That law is a US law, and not a Mexican one, so wouldn't apply to Canadians.

    The last I heard when I asked about Candian entry requirements was :

    "Proof of citizenship and photo ID.

    Proof of citizenship includes original birth certificate, citizenship card (naturalization certificate) or a notarized affidavit of citizenship (a statement under oath before a notary public, commissioner of oaths or lawyer identifying oneself with another document, stating date and place of birth, and reason for not having an updated passport or original birth certificate).

    Acceptable photo ID includes driver's license or health card with photo.

    People born in Quebec must present a birth certificate issued after January 1, 1994, by Le Directeur de l'etat civil in the Province of Quebec. Please note that according to a provincial measure announced on October 24, 2001, baptismal and birth certificates issued by Quebec religious, municipal or judicial authorities prior to 1994, are not considered proof of citizenship."

    If your husband has the above as a Canadian he should be OK, if not he may be refused entry. I have no idea on the return entry to the US - that is another issue that you need to look into.
  4. Klaw

    Klaw Guest

    +0 / 0
    To get back into the US, he will need a passport if arriving by air.

    Are you traveling from and returning to Canada or the US?

    I believe that if Canadians travel to Mexico via the US they will need a passport even though Canada does not yet require it.
  5. Life_N_Cancun

    Life_N_Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    If he was born in the US he IS American regardless of where he grew up or had names changed... The hospital where he was born should have a file on him that you can use to prove place of birth and from that get everything else, if the main holdup is the name change issue, just see if he can get a passport issued in his birth name and you can get a different one later or go to court in the state he was born and change the name before going for the passport. ... As far as your trip I think you will have to get some kind of legal letter drafted explaining the situation and I would suggest that you go to your nearest Mexican consulate and see if you can get the tourist visa issued there or at least an official letter with the appropriate stamps, so you will not be denied entry into Mexico or be declared "Stateless" and get caught up in the immigration system.
  6. bbwvixen

    bbwvixen Newbie Registered Member

    Sep 1, 2007
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    It looks like we may JUST make it!! His case goes before the Canadian goverment hearing on October 18th, on the 19th Immigration in Ottawa should have it confirmed, courier off the documentation to BC and our local immigration office, should have them by Mon/Tues.....they call him, he does his oath and will be a Canadian citizen!

    Apply for a emergency passport immediatly (they're in the same building) and we can get one in 24 hours! This puts us at Thursday.....we leave Sunday for Seattle to fly out on Monday!!!

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    How's that for just making the deadline! lol

    Thanks for the suggestions and advice!
  7. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    I just discussed this with a Mexican Immigration agent.

    Steve is right about the requirements for Canadians to enter Mexico. The requirements for Americans are similar, proof of citizenship and a state issued ID with the SAME NAME on it. The passport requirements for Americans are a US law designed to keep track of US citizens, this has nothing to do with Mexico's entry requirements.

    If your hubby has ID that matches the name on his US birth certificate he will be allowed to enter Mexico as an American. Or if he has proof of Canadian citizenship, as Steve explained, he can enter as a Canadian.

    The airline will very likely not allow your husband to board the plane until this is straightened out. Airlines get very large fines when they allow someone to travel to another country and then that person is denied entry due to improper papers. So the airline should prevent him from leaving the ground if his papers are screwy. On the other hand the airlines screw this stuff up every day! So they may let him on the plane even with messed up papers.

    To be honest I would not travel internationally until this is cleared up. Even an innocent situation like this could land your husband in an immigration jail for weeks. It is absolutely not worth the risk. Until he has real proof of citizenship and the IDs to match he should stay home imho. Immigration jails in Mexico are nasty places, don't risk it.
  8. bbwvixen

    bbwvixen Newbie Registered Member

    Sep 1, 2007
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    If everything goes well he will be a Canadian citizen and have a passport in the next ten days :)
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