Option 3 huh? We all know that after all is said and swapped that the guys would be standing there alone staring at each other then slowly lower their heads and go to paty-o's to wait on the stories. :hug: I figure thats still in the win column..... :michaelf:
hey rob, just curious with the crowd being down some what if they are still forcing the guys to wear long pants in the specialty resturants. man i hate taking long pants to cancun on vacation.
I'm pretty sure most everyone got a peek of all the goods on the booze cruise, pool, lingerie night--ok the whole time haha. The only pair of panties I packed were for lingerie night and they were fish net g-strings :lol: Soo.... It's option "3" being thrown in---hmmm sounds interesting :wink:
we still had to wear long pants :cry: i dressed up the last night in nice shorts and and a dress shirt and closed toes shoes thinking i might have a chance - but they still shucked me :-| rob
Re: great idea phewww!!! glad you meant no guys cause well i just dont have the bod for that stuff...hahahah...but i so like the toy or lingerie swap thing and yes option 3 would be interesting but like kurt said we would be left alone to drink at paty o's only good part of that is rob would get it all on film....who needs channel 12 ....we can rename it the rainbow channel....now thats entertainment.
$240.00 per night on Temptations website - per couple All inclusive! Need to wait a couple of weeks for flightslol
yeah no rush - wait til you get he best deal for our trip in spetmeber tonya found a rate much cheaper than our recent stay and we even get to stay a few extra days pretty neat all about patience and finding the right deal rob