I have expensive taste for drinks, so gotta make up for it with some extra cheap ones once in a while! :lol: But Kinda got hooked on Snakebites for a while :-o hummmmm
oh no...... Snakebite n black. I remember the amount of purple vomit everywhere and one time i came home, proper sh!t hole first year uni house, went to the toilet and saw my housemate alseep, arm in the toilet with purple chunks of kebab, cheese and chip and snakebite covering the walls! I wish i had a pic to post up, funny and utterly disgusting in equal measures. So if SnakeyB's are served in Cancun, LET THE RIVERS RUN PURPLE!
Should be a little careful with them, the only reason why there banned in pubs is cos they make you puke VIOLANTLY You puke fething upto 10 yard i think i heard on TV documentry about Sankebites! But its a great drink