Ok, the goatee has to go, got pulled over last night and had to spend it in the pokey. I have to look white again!:icon_sad:
Looking at deals. I think we will cash in some air miles to make it down on our anniversary again Dec 11.
Sue, I don't know what happened to the paddle. Someone said that they saw it behind the bar at Pattyo's the next day. I know that it didn't come back with us when we came home. Has anyone who has been there lately seen it. It was labeled "WHACKER'S WACKER" on one side. Assistant principal Whacker in charge of discipline brought it to school-girl nt.
wackers wackers whacker!!!!!! :deadhorse:.. it worked so well with our outfits...lol spank academy here we come.. hopefuly it will be waiting for us next december..