good call! I told Kathy to tan with the girls exposed before we went, and she didn't. They perfectly matched her outfit for neon night, so that was a plus anyways.:aktion014:
Pre-pack a beach bag with everything. You just have to open your carry on or checked luggage , and take the hole pre-packed bag out. The you can use it to store your valuables/camera $$ passports ect,,,, one with a Zipper make its harder for a snatch and grab,, but thefts are few and far between at TTR and most ( not all) are alcohol related, if you know what I mean .
Pull the batteries out of one of your sex toys (one that takes the big batteries ) stuff it full of dollar bills , insert before putting on swimsuit and walk around the pool with a BIG smile ......people will wonder why your smiling so much :umbrella1::umbrella1::umbrella1:
Thankx guyz for your advise . For the sex toys advise hihihi it's a good one but my wife don't bring any cause there will be plenty of living boy toys out there moving all over the resort hihihi