DUH! Don't Travel With a Gun!

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by Jim in Cancun, Dec 21, 2009.

  1. Life_N_Cancun

    Life_N_Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    WoW This thread certainly has gotten off topic!...

    Let's just agree to disagree. As RiverGirl said there are many sides to the story of how WWII unfolded. Historical accounts are often skewed by factors such as nationalism, misinformation, prejudice, and the Desire to put "yourself/your people" in the best possible light.

    On a side note, here is some info on Mexico's involvement in WWII.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 25, 2009
  2. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    This "need for appreciation" that you mention Jim is one of the things I find a little odd in the thinking of my countrymen: I don't understand why we need it, or why others owe it to us. We did what we had to do. Japan and Germany had the will and the means at hand to engulf the world, unless there was a determined resistance. We, along with many others, put up that resistance- in the end, successfully though, as I said earlier, I think it could have gone either way.

    To ask for praise for doing what we did strikes me as one aspect of American Exceptionalism, which I think is sufficient to explain other countrymens' annoyance with us, at times. Politicians in the U.S. find it convenient to play to this sentiment and can hardly make a speech that does not include at least one reference to it, such as, "We are privileged to live in the greatest country in the world", or other words to the same effect. Since I was a boy I've wondered, "If it's true, why does it have to be pointed out, so often?"
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2009
  3. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    I agree to that :)

    Have a Happy Christmas all.
  4. Jim in Cancun

    Jim in Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    Hey, V:

    Regarding: "This "need for appreciation" that you mention Jim is one of the things I find a little odd in the thinking of my countrymen:..."

    How did I get in the middle of this divisive silliness? I can get in enough trouble on my own, thanks.
  5. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Cancun, Centro
    +6 / 0
    Hmm, see what you mean, Jim! Sorry about that!
  6. CharlesinCancun

    CharlesinCancun Regular Registered Member

    Jan 26, 2008
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    Cancun / Texas
    +0 / 0
    I didnt mean to cause so much controversy. I love Cancun and I love Mexico. I would fight for Mexico ( on special terms) . I own a home in Cancun , I have been travelling here since 1994 and never had a problem, NEVER. I feel safe in Cancun. I have travelled through out the border Tex-Mex and those towns are a mess. nothing like Cancun.

    I will admit I was pretty heated when I made this post. The only thing , the absolute only thing I do not like about Mexico is that I am not able to carry .

    I was attacked by 5 young punks. I paid for a vestido for my niece and I think it was mercado 23 behind chichen ave. There was torrential rain that day , the streets were flooded and I waited it out and then it got dark. I am usually with my brother in laws or friends , I wasnt really thinking about it, all I wanted to do was pay the lady to finish the vestido and I was out of there.

    the roads were flooded and nasty , I tried to find a way back to the main street , which I believe was chichen ave. I was one block behind a hotel. Batab or something like that. two young kids passed me and I didnt think anything of it . I stopped to look at the side street when 3 more came in behind me. they asked me if I had any money , I told them hold on I couldnt understand them.

    they offered handshakes , didnt seem too bad, I started walking closer to chichen to get a taxi. then I saw the two kids that passed me made there way back to me , I knew something was up.

    one of the bigger kids grabbed me from behind in a choke hold the other kid held my arms from behind.

    two of them searched my pockets , I had my cell in my hand which I didnt let go. I had my money in a side pocket which was zipped.

    the younger kid didnt really do anything just kind of stood there.

    I saw the hotel and I knew that I had to get there for help. I weigh 200lbs and lift weights , these guys were around 120 to 160 lbs and skinny. I broke loose from them and I was in earshot of the hotel , I yelled for help. the security guard came out . the kids tore my shirt trying to pull me back.

    I knew I could make it when I realized they didnt have a weapon. which I was really surprised. the security guard yelled at them and another guy ran from across the street . he had a walkie talkie and the blue shirt that alot of security guards wear, and he was yelling. the kids ran off in different directions.

    if those kids wouldve approached me in a different manner , I would've gave them 10 dollars.

    the security guards wanted to call the police and I was just happy to be alive , and just wanted to go home.

    I try to be a peaceful person , I have been into the poorest of barrios in Piedras Negras , N.L. , Acuna. brought food to these people. I have never had trouble. this couldve happened anywhere.

    I will defend myself and my family and I will not apologize for that. I do apologize to anyone I offended.

    I think it's best that I lie low from the board and sign off.

    Steve - sorry about this post.
  7. Life_N_Cancun

    Life_N_Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0

    With theses details, I find it easier to believe your story, although I'm still surprised to hear about it, and can only hope that it was a very isolated thing and that those kids will find another way to earn money. While I still disagree with your "if it happened in Tex" remark, I do aplogize for doubting you.
  8. Drummer

    Drummer Newbie Registered Member

    Mar 24, 2009
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    Don't normally post here but read with interest as I have a Mexican partner who wants to move to Cancun.

    As a Brit I felt compelled to respond to the comment about the US and WWII. I just wanted to mention that there are many British people who understand and appreciate just how much help the US provided the UK both before, during and after the war.
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