With USA Transfers there is no other option. Even if you already paid for another shuttle it would still be worth it to me.
1st thing our USA driver asked when we got in the van was "would you like to stop at a store on the way for anything?' don't think you'll get that on a shuttle for sure!
Being this is our first time, we did book through USA. Not sure what we would need to stop at the store for? Anything I need to know? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Anyone ever used Endless Tours, the transfer to TTR was a comp so I booked for a return also (don't care about return so much). It's supposed to be private transfer I'm a little nervous as I have always used USA and had great luck.
We've never stopped at a store or Walmart but lots of people do for things that either are to difficult to take down there or weigh too much to put in a suitcase. People like special mixes or brands that the resort doesn't offer oh and I've read of people getting snack foods too Nikki
We did the shuttle thing our first trip... we get in the shuttle and it was full... everyone was asking each other where they were staying, we said Temptation... we got the "Oh." and suddenly no one talked to us anymore lol! Since then we've discovered USA Transfers and that is who we use every time
Last year I messed up with booking my USA transfer by my own fault and had to pay a taxi. The Taxi started out at 80.00 and I negotiated it down to 60.00 one way. USA is by far cheaper and better hands down.
Taxi one way from the airport with a taxi is US$70. When I did it I knew USA transfer was $55 return (but I hadn't booked them) and after negotiating for 20mn managed to get the fare down by $10. Short story, save yourself the hassle and book USA transfer or similar company. They are always there waiting for you or other guys will be happy to point them to you if you arrive during a mad rush. They will always find the fastest way to "extract" you from the airport. Once the airport roads were all blocked so they took us to another terminal where the driver got straight to us