the rumor about the girl was this she got spiked .. got rushed to hospital ..heart stopped they did cpr she spent 2 days in hospital ... then came back to resort to finish her vacation we didn't see it .. the only passed out girl that we saw was from heat exhaustion medical was there and water and took her away personally if my heart stopped and I thought it was due to being drugged I wouldn't of gone back to the same resort after getting out of the hospital ..if I didn't sue the hell out of them and go home I would of at least changed hotels so to me this is definitely in the rumor mill now we did see a guy pass out at the bar in the pool .. but we know that was due to tequila shots .. we got medical and got him out before he could fall off the stool and drown
The girl that passed out at the sexy pool in June 2016 was from heat exhaustion, she had blonde almost white hair. We didn't see her come back but I heard she was back a couple of days later.
Some people take things then say they were spiked When shit goes wrong. It's easier to say I was roofied than I fucked up. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk