Dragon Mart

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by V, Jun 11, 2011.

  1. T.J.

    T.J. I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2003
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    Cancun. QR, Mexico
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    'bout time you weighed in Gonzo.

    So, how do you really feel?
  2. GONZO

    GONZO Guru Registered Member

    Dec 30, 2005
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    It just amazes me as to what a town will do just for tourist dollars. Sad isnt it, especially for the wildlife. Maybe they should do birding tours in the jungles around the area. And leave the inland habitat be.

    You know I am a birder and really love seeing the hummingbirds I get here in Minnesota and the Ruby Throated migrates down to Texas and then those little buggers beef up on the coast of TX and fly over 500 miles across the Gulf to the tip of Q Roo. Every year I see less and less of them and I know why, degredation of habitat. I rest my case.
  3. GONZO

    GONZO Guru Registered Member

    Dec 30, 2005
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    On another note about habitat protection. Here in Red Wing where I live, is right on the Mississippi River and some yaahoo wanted to build a big CONDO plex with the main floor being retail space, big ugly f'in thing right on the River bank. And they were getting close to making a deal when the townsfolk heard about it, we were able to make a big enough stink to where the City leaders ended up backing down and it was eventually donated to a land trust that will protect it FOREVER! So now they will never be any building on that stretch of the Mississippi.

    So things can get done if enough stand up against it. Well at least here in my town.
  4. CancunNurse

    CancunNurse Regular Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2006
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    After seeing the Dragon Mart in Dubai, I can't imagine what it would be like in Puerto Morelos. It was a big,barn-like structure with little booth areas (as in Market 28). I can't imagine anything worth while coming out of there. There is a reason why Mexico wouldn't allow Chinese imports and now this! For those that voiced their opinions and said go for the cheaper things, cheaper things are made with cheaper paint (toxic or not, they don't care. Remember, they were in trouble for poisoning their OWN PEOPLE!), cheaper glues, cheaper woods, etc. I wouldn't give my dogs something made in China. But if cheap is more important than wise, go for it!
  5. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Cancun, Q Roo.
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    GONZO: The last thing this region needs is yet another environmental killer. Im a huge fan of nature and wildlife(one of the main reasons I came here to begin with), and it would be ret*rded(in lack of a better word) to clear even more oxygen producing, poison filtering vegetation.

    IF this thing is really needed, build it one of the dusty, ugly grounds that there are tons of already.

    CancunNurse: Personally, I have no issue with paying a bit more if I know the product is even a bit easier on mother earth.

    But this doesnt count for everyone. My point is that some people around here, dont care at all where a product comes from, how it was made etc, as long as its cheaper.

    I know plenty of families(with up to 4-6 kids) that live on a total of $US500/month. If they can get "two cans of tuna", for the same price of one, regular, "Mexican" can, then they will go for it.

    Considering how many of Mexicos own products(produced and imported) are created in all but environmentally friendly ways, Im sure a lot of people simply couldnt care less, unfortunately, I should add.

    I think locals should put pressure on their own government to lower prices, rather than "bashing" the Chinese. After all, someone invited them, sat down with them and agreed with them...

    In the end, its all in the hands of us - the consumers. If we dont buy, they wont last, but if we do, well, then people made their choice.

    For many of us, wise is always ahead of cheaper, but for some, thats just not an option.
  6. Alma Libre

    Alma Libre Regular Registered Member

    Jan 28, 2007
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    Puerto Morelos
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  7. chirojoseph

    chirojoseph Newbie Registered Member

    Jun 22, 2011
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    Invading USA as well as Mexico..canada is next

    hers a bit more news in the exact same vein...

    China Wants To Construct A 50 Square Mile Self-Sustaining City South Of Boise, Idaho

    dont be suprised people...CHINA is first world and running a surplus...you can bash the communist system all you want but they havent been spending outside their means for the past 20 years as USA has.

    I think its a terrible thing for PM...but so is the SID hotel complex and all the CRAP theyve built to the north iin front of my beloved Punta Caracol wave spot too....but at least its not built on drug money and complete and utter corruption like those hotels are.

    I mean, we have to accept that the people who make the best, most industrious business and are shrewd are going to "win" in the end. China is continuing to show that its been carefully planning this global expansion for a VERY long time. The mexis (god love em) usually pat themselves on the back when they plan 3 years in the future (and basically theyre planning how to rob from the NEXT administration only.....remember Im talking politicians here and of course THEY are the ones who will make or break this deal with China) and the States, well, we USED to listen to the smart folk who thought years in advance but NOW the only people in USA thinking far in advance are the bankers and neocons and what theyve been planning is quite a bit more dastardly than a monster chinese Market 28.

    Unfortunately ive come to think of my 9 years in PM as a wonderful, beautiful wave. I was LUCKY as hell to have been there to surf it but have now pretty much accepted that the wave has passed leaving only rocky shores and dead coral. Almost time to go looking for a new wave.

    Enjoy it while you can, once the SID golf course construction goes into full swing the Dragon mart will be least of our worries.

    good winds!
    dr joe
  8. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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  9. pocodinero

    pocodinero Regular Registered Member

    Jul 3, 2009
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    What is "SID?"
  10. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Cancun, Q Roo.
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    poco: Im assuming he meant "El Cid"?

    They also cut off the water access(they left only a few drain sized tunnels for the water to come and go...) to the mangroves, killing it almost completely.

    I can understand the anger with Dragon Mart, but many fail to see the fact that most hotels and local businesses arent any better.

    I know a Dutch woman who came here for 9 months to work with the water department(Aquakan?) in an exchange-type program.

    The report was grim, to say the least. The water capacity was(2009) some 36 % UNDER what Cancun as a city required... Has anything been done to fix this? Nope. But, in two years, the city has expanded yet the water capacity remains quite far behind...

    Ill stop before I go off-track even more, jaja :)
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