why is it, though im desperately hoarding all money for cancun and have too much stuff to take anyway, i still go in every shop to 'look for things for cancun'?? what am i looking for?!?!?! i found 2 cute ra ra skirts for £6, but they come together in green and black or brown and orange. I want the brown and black so i would have to buy all 4 for £12, even though i already have a simelar black skirt.. and could use the £12 towards cancun! haha whats wrong with me!
12 bucks isn't much. They were on sale and you as a person had to par-take in said sale, becuase it was so good,. To not buy them would then be rude to the stores
ugh gemma, i know your pain, i bought four new skirts all ranging btw 5 and 7 dollars... how could i pass it up when they are just screaming buy meeeeeeeee buy meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
K where does everyone find cheap clothing?? I never find cheap clothing.. Ugh ...I have a drawer full of new stuff already for cancun..I need to buy new shoes though..hee hee
well, being downtown helps, i found two of them at the jacob in the commerce court path and then two at old navy. i need new shoes too. well new flippies. i wore mine out last summer. i want a new pair of capris but finding them, i dont know..might be hard...
i liked some of their holiday stuff at christmas. but sadly they were not friendly to girl that are big on top :?