Does Anyone Know?

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by Marlo-Renay, Sep 6, 2009.

  1. Marlo-Renay

    Marlo-Renay Guest

    +0 / 0
    I've just realized a small detail on my part has been left out which has added some my apologies ahead of time.

    First of all, I am from Canada where, for all events and purposes, I've noticed our tax laws and filing systems are much less complicated than those of my American neighbours...but I don't know that for a fact.

    My skipped detail is that I am not carrying my last Canadian profession into Mexico...14 years was enough...although I would go back to it on a consulting basis here in Cancun if needbe. In the meantime, my current intentions are to start a company that would include both Mexican and non-Mexican yes Rivergirl, I would be doing business with anyone who walked through my door.

    Zina, I am aware that one can go straight to an FM2 here under the right circumstances, which is what I seek...hence this forum and all the homework before seeing an attorney. I've always believed the more 'armed' (with knowledge) one is when they arrive, the better the end result. As for Jenny, I'm not shy when it comes to speaking up and doing what's best for me, especially when money is involved. Besides, that's her job and what she's being hired for. Thank you for sharing your experience with her. I will definitely keep an eye out for any passing-off or unsatisfactory dealings. The other side of this is that I've heard from a few people that she really knows her stuff when it comes to Expats incorporating here so I am more than willing to get to know her and give her a chance. As for Mendoza, he seems like the person to go to as well. Perhaps he will be the best candidate when / if this FM2 business gets a little confusing.

    Next on the list (eventually) accountant! :)
  2. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Cancun, Centro
    +6 / 0
    Hi, Marlo. My question to Zina was intended to clarify the use of the term, "persona fisica", in Mexican Tax/Immigration law and practice.

    But, to comment on what you said about taxes, U.S. and Canadian, based on what Canadians have told me, the U.S. tax laws (with which I'm much more familiar!) are indeed draconian. First, the U.S. government asserts a right to collect taxes on the world-wide income of U.S. persons; then, they beef this up with reporting requirements, separate from the requirement to file tax returns, that have extremely harsh penalties for non-compliance. Lastly, and while taxes on U.S. persons residing in the U.S. were being reduced, starting Jan 1, 2006 they dramatically increased the taxes on U.S. persons working abroad. In our own case, this resulted in a doubling of the income taxes we owed, each year.
  3. Isla Zina

    Isla Zina Regular Registered Member

    Feb 3, 2007
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    V- Inmigracion refers to me as an asimilada with cargo confianza. SAT refers to me as a personal fisica though my RFC
  4. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Cancun, Centro
    +6 / 0
    Thanks for clarifying that for me, Zina; so, it appears from what you said that the term "persona fisica" is a term used by the tax authorities in Mexico, not by immigration.
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