If our Parents, family,etc. can't handle the name, I guess in some way shape or form they will have to get a grip on life and deal with it....Cause I,m not gonna stop going unless I,m dead.....
My Mum, and Step Mom and Dad have both visisted several times with us. They all love it, although my Dad doesnt often venture far from the quiet pool
We are not taking our cell phones, a rare opportunity to not listen to the damn thing ring. We are telling the baby sitter Blue Bay Getaway and giving the phone number and leaving it at that.
I have told my friends and co-workers the name and I have showed them pix's and they were a little surprised. But who cares its my life and I don't need there approval.
This has been a big question for us. On the one hand we want to say "it's our life and who cares what others think," but on the other hand my wife and I both come from very conservative religious families and her folks are watching the kids for the week, so we don't want to offend them, or even give them cause to refuse to babysit for us. We leave in a few weeks and I'm not sure yet what approach we will take. Maybe just tell them the name and hope they don't make the connection or look it up online (they're not very web-savvy), or else just leave the phone number for emergencies but just label it "Resort #" and not mention the actual name.
We really can't understand the need to have a 'cover story'. TTR is only an adults only resort, it's not hedo or Desire so why are people so worried about saying where they are going? My (les) daughter is 19 and I told her where we are going and what it's like, to her it was no big deal because topless drunken fun is the norm in europe and she see's the place as a fun place. In September we met some great fun people and whilst at one of the clubs the girls were flashing thier boobs and doing bodyshots on the bar which included kissing etc, we showed her the pics and she thought it was amazing. We know toplessness is looked upon differently in America but it's very hard for us to understand all the fuss, America is the porn capital of the world yet people are ashamed to get their boobs out or let people know they do. All that said people have to do what suits them and we've not tagged some people in our holiday pics on facebook just in case their family and friends see them xxx
This is EXTREMELY helpful. I guess we'll use the BBG cover too. When we stayed at Hedo, all we did was tell folks we were staying at "Superclubs", which is the name of the parent company. So, not entirely false... See you Feb 12-15th!!!
[QUOTE = bricoleur; 285805] Qu'y at-il à cacher? Je dis à tout le monde et même de les inviter à venir. [/ QUOTE] Completely in agreement for my part everybody save whom I am to very olé olé very opened spirit then nothing has to hide:lotsofmichaelfs: