tell them your going to a topless optional resort called temptations where staff encourages people to take their clothes off, people drink till they can't feel feelings, and people do everything they wouldn't do at home. I'm sure they will understand lol
On our first trip we didn't tell anyone. Now, trip number two, we tell anyone that will listen. Some are intrigued and some think we are heathens. Meh....
Ms SkiBum has told two girlfriends where we went and that we are going again. One is single, the other married. Both are curious...... about TTR 'ya pervs. Although, from my perspective I think it would be considered highly negligent and discourteous of us not to, ahem, satisfy their curiosity. Dare to dream.
In the beginning we told people other resort names. But I guess we have been bragging up the place so much, there are now 7 local couples that go from time to time with us. And besides, others peoples opinions are none of our business. We started having "Temptation" themed parties at home now.
To piggyback on this topic: We went on the ATV/cenote trip. We were joined by people from several other resorts. The ATV/cenote guide asked everyone where we were from + where we were staying. When my husband + I said "Temptation" there were collective ahs, ohs + oohs. Then whispering, giggling + interesting glances from the others. We were asked the same question by several guides + as the day wore on, we thought maybe we shouldn't tell the truth anymore! I'm debating if I should write "Temptation" when we fill out those entry papers at the airport upon arrival. :huh: