have you ever been in a Party Hopper in Cancún?? Is it really funny or it´s better going wherever you choose to go? can you describe how is exactly the party hopper tour?
just trying to help out...NEver been myself though. BUt I am sure someone on here has been..No worries they will post soon enough
I´ve been in something like this "party hooper" 4 years ago in Rome... We paid like 50$ and we visit a few pubs and discos in Rome... it was nice but we lost a lot of time from pub to pub and we didn´t like every bar.... so, I don´t know if I´m gonna feel the same thing in cancun´s party hopper...maybe I cant know it until I try...
well i went back in 03 there is was a blast we stopped at the 3rd place and just stayed there we were so wrecked good times tho its really up to u you would have good time tho
Well only thing is you have to keep moving, if you are having fun in one place you gotta keep going..
ive been on my share of them too.....they are fun, it kinda sucks when you have to go to a diff. club....but i mean if you REALLY want to you can stay there and just party wherever
i've been on a few and they are amazing. Yes sometimes its hateful to have to move on if your having fun, but i've always found that you have just as much fun at the next place. The service was incredible. Never once had to look for a drink. Our personal waiters were really quick and made sure you didn't go long without something in your hand.