because alot of the people who suffered Katrina and their property was lost didi not get paid by the insurance company, because they didi not have flood insurance. the people argue that the flood was caused by the hurricane, but the insurance people say that the huricane never touch their house instead the flood did. so I guess if the hurricane winds never destroy your house, but gets flooded or burn down than is not cover by hurricane insurance. So my question is do you cosider having any type of insurance as priority. I know that the weather is changing big time and cancun has a lake near and the sea next to cancun,so there si a big chance of a flood in the near foture.
We are renters not owners so we don't have insurance. Weird, even as a renter in Canada I had contents insurance, but not here. My only "insurance" is that the house we live in survived both Gilberto and Wilma with no damage. And we bought a generator after Wilma which is still (thankfully) in it's box. If you own a place, definitely get the insurance.
We have insurance on our home and it paid off after Wilma. Most of our Wilma damage was to our contents, not our casa. Insurance has got much more expensive here in the last few years, especially if you live close to the beach, but we still think it's worth it.
hey CancunCanuck how big is the generator, were did you buy it, and how much did it cost have you try solar panels
Most of the insurance companies now refuse to cover a property less than 500 meters from the beach. I could get one this year because it was a renewal, and the prices raised incredibly. That's -they claim- because the re-insurance companies didn't pay them. I too think it is worth it. My building didn't suffer of Wilma, the contents yes! and I didn't get one cent! The company found 100 reasons... and I am not the only one! Of course I bought my policy last year with another one. Unfortunately, since I live in a condo, I cannot get a generator, it wouldn't be safe to put it inside, and I cannot put it outside, it is common areas. For Wilma, we stayed 3 weeks without water and power.
I can't remember how big the generator is (will check when I get home), we bought it at Costco and I believe it was around 6000 pesos. Nope, no solar panels, we're renters so we aren't about to invest that kind of money on someone else's house. I also don't know how effective they would be in poor weather conditons, have to admit I don't know much about solar energy in homes and how long the energy is stored. I was speaking to a student this morning who is an insurance salesman. I asked about hurricane insurance and he kind of laughed. He said it was really expensive with very high deductibles for this area and that the insurance companies do NOT encourage him to sell it (or people to buy it). I should have paid closer attention to the numbers he was giving me, but I was busy correcting his grammar, lol.
We do have insurance covering property, contents (including clothes, purses, vido games, Barbie colection, etc) and also covering the por-indiviso