hahaha...NO WAY have I shared it...and never will...oh my gosh, that would be horrible horrible. I know I can't go back and change anything...and I truly am happy with my life now...its just something that blew me away....and just one of those moments in your life when you wish you could go back....but only for a moment, then reality will set in (hopefully sooner than later) and I'll be back in my normal self again.
That would eat me alive. I don't believe in fate, but I do believe in love. Is there anything that is harder to find? What do you do when you find it but can't have it? I can almost feel the aneurism.
too bad I need a passport to get to Mexico to clear my mind... :rant: for not getting one in the past 4 trips....
oh well....I'll be alright....I'll just need to go buy more bubble bath and live in the tub for the next week.
It started out deep, didn't it? because I do have much love for all of you. I wish that the days were not so short, and the distance between us was no more. But... it allows me to miss you...
lol sorry! I just have really nobody (but ya'll) to talk to about it...kinda something that will have to be pretty hush hush in my life. thanks for the good luck wishes....I'll need them! :lotsoflove: :shock: