Hmm, never thought of that! :lol: :lol: Stopped raining for a bit, but I am sure it'll start again! I have so much to do to prepare for the weekend, and I of course wait until the last minute!!
from what I have observed...all you will need is: 1. your liver 2. white tshirt with sharpie markers 3. digital camera with large memory card Dennis will provide the rest. :lol:
Oh boy what a day and what a week. I am so ready for tomorrow night. Picking up large amounts of vodka after work tonight. The countdown is ON!
Waste ~ what do you mean you aren't coming....I was counting on seeing you????? I will bring the traveling shirt so no need for a white shirt.
I know, sucks you can't make it waste!! I will see ya next month though!! I'm not doing anything crazy. Todd is at the restaurant now picking up some stuff for tomorrow. He has to do some work stuff tonight, so I will get some shopping done and get angies bed made & pick up a bit. Also, gotta get booze But yah, what a day is right! The last snow storm we had, Todd tried to put my car window down and it was it got jammed or the motor got messed up or something?? I dunno, anyway, I took it in today finally (been using the sunroof :lol: ) and the guy calls me back $350!!! To fix the darn window so I can push a button for it to move!! I could not believe it!!! I guess the cars now make some thing that gets all messed up, so when it happens they have to replace the whole window assembly-sux!