Democrat voters are more educated?

Discussion in 'Free For All' started by Steve, Nov 9, 2012.

  1. funcpl27

    funcpl27 Addict Registered Member

    Nov 13, 2010
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    +917 / 16
    Obama is only President today because of the religous nut jobs who currently control the Republican Party....Until sane Republicans get a 'them or us' attitude towards the religous fools in their midst we will continue to see Obama or similar canidates win national elections. But I don't think Republicans will learn from the last two elections...they will throw out another complete idiot like Palin or Romney in four years and likely lose again.

    As House said "If you could reason with religous people there would be no religous people"
  2. twinimini

    twinimini I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    I agree with you that one of the main reasons that Obama is President today is that the religious right hijacked the early primaries and forced Romney into positions I don't think he really believed himself. Unless there is some logic within the Republican Party and a much more mainstream approach is used, there will be no more Republican Party.

    Most of the people I know who identify themselves as Republicans are not religious nut jobs that want to put a Christian form of Sharia law into place in the US. Most are business people that see a very rapid decline in much of what built this nation up to where is was a decade ago. That's just plain scary for many of us. We are seeing too many takers and not enough makers. We see stifling regulations that are almost incomprehensible.

    One of the scariest statistics for me has to do with a tax course that I teach to other CPA's. The course was written in late April. At the time the course was written the federal deficit was $14 trillion. By the end of the year it was $16 trillion. That is a pace that scares many of us who have to deal with reality. How bad can it get over the next four years if it could balloon like that in less than nine months?
  3. funcpl27

    funcpl27 Addict Registered Member

    Nov 13, 2010
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    +917 / 16
    perhaps true...but no one had to force Romney into anything. He believes completly insane shit on his fact, what Romney actually believes about reality is crazy even by the crazy standards of religion. Until sane Republicans get control of the party back from people who believe truly insane things i see little hope.

    And you are so right...there is a huge segment of the US population who's ONLY problem with Sharia law is that they aren't the ones enforcing it.
  4. twinimini

    twinimini I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    The trouble with all politicians is that no one knows what they really think. First you have what they say, which for the most part is geared to those whom they have to appease to win the nomination. Then you have the distortion of the media. Obama was the darling of the media and even had some nutjobs like Chris Matthews saying that he was happy for Hurricane Sandy because it helped to get Obama elected. It seems like every candidate gets packaged like deodorant and marketed about the same way.

    We will have nothing but Democrat Presidents until the whole system collapses if things continue the way they are going. Democrats tend to always vote for the Democratic candidate no matter what that person stands for, while Republicans will tend to split tickets on a regular basis. The problem is that we can't afford any more big spenders like Obama ever again.
  5. Dave & Audrey

    Dave & Audrey Guru Registered Member

    Feb 8, 2009
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    I'd find it incredibly difficult to figure out who to vote for if I was American.

    This election, you had Obama who is completely financially incompetent vs. Romney and the religious right who's policies are right out of the 1800's. What a choice!

    The states is rapidly losing super power status because of the economy. Debt is spiking at ridiculous rates and the deficit is increasing too implying that there is no end in sight to the rise in debt. Trade deficit is awful. Basically the states has racked out their credit cards and is refusing to stop going out for supper and buying new clothes. Solution appears to be to just borrow more. Oh and tax the hell out of the rich guys. Seems like a 2 wolves and 1 sheep voting on what to have for supper sorta democracy to me.

    And the religious right is retarded. They don't reflect my views in any way at all. Even on spending Republicans haven't been very good, so can't really give them credit there. Better than Democrats but we are talking about a rating of 3/10 being better than a 2/10 here.

    I find it amazing that there isn't a market there for a guy who will whip the finances into shape by making mass cuts to programs, will figure out how to include the millions of Mexicans that are going no where no matter what rather than exclude them, and be progressive on view re: rape, gay marriage, etc.

    Why can that guy not get elected?

    Why the hell did I start opinionating on a politics thread on Cancuncare? What happened to yay boobies? :flash::bj:
  6. twinimini

    twinimini I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    Oh we're still doing "ya Boobies," but it's political boobs we're talking about.
  7. poolside128

    poolside128 Enthusiast Registered Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    Wow, usually I'm of strong opinion and I know I'm fairly educated, but what a god awful thread to read. I pray these conversations don't go on while people are on vacation at TTR. No offense to anyone but isn't this what we all try to avoid when we get away, even if for a quick bit on our computer to a general happy and informative site. All of this :aktion060::aktion070::banghead: :deadhorse:would be the big bummer on a trip to TTR. Great site here with what looks to be a great bunch of people who like to party! But, age old saying of the things you never bring up at a party. Come on let's just :lotsofmichaelfs::lotsofmichaelfs:
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2013
  8. twinimini

    twinimini I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    Poolside, actually it's really quite the opposite. This forum gives everyone an opportunity to express themselves so that we don't do it at TTR. The only harsh words you will usually hear at TTR are when someone overindulges on the liquid courage and decides that every woman there desires their company.

    You've heard the expression "What happens in Cancun stays in Cancun!" Well, what happens on the Free For All forum stays in this forum. Even wide disparaging opinions are ignored when we get into the sun and fun of TTR.
  9. funcpl27

    funcpl27 Addict Registered Member

    Nov 13, 2010
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    Atlanta and Jacksonville
    +917 / 16
    a sane person currently cant get elected because 1) the Democrats have no interest in fixing any problems and 2) the Republican party is controlled by crazy religous people
  10. twinimini

    twinimini I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    Yep, that pretty much sums it up!
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