I was going to start a sexy red and white theme night for when were there (Dec 8 to 12)....A bit early but i'm already thinking about it lol...
Oh I like "Naughty or Nice"... (aka hoe hoe hoe) Plus it will match with TTR's "red light district" color decor lol.... Thurs is lingerie and we might do the Friday night booze cruise so we can do "naughty or nice" on Wed night maybe? I wonder if we can get a SEXY SANTA hehehe...
I hadn't checked the calendar yet to see when Marlene's B-day falls. Pretty cool...it's Thursday. Gonna have a tough time topping last year.
On lingerie night! Well we can try......what did you do last year? That week will also be our 2 year anniversary. woohoo! Sexy Secret Santa Gift Exchange? I like it! Lets do it!
brilliant idea hmmm i love dressing up, obviously we all do it for the lingerie/casino night , but another theme night would be a great idea for all the cancuncare members, so come on everybody lets get some ideas for themes and we can organise our own party night , and perhaps head out to carlos and charlies in theme and meet up with steve, janet and the gang..we need to decide on a date that is good for everyone too ..might be a bit early to do a december roll call lol xxxxxartytime: