We always dress up for the theme nights!! last Xmas/NYE we had a good group that dressed up it seems like we have more CCC people this year so our hopes are high!!
So we all can get fired up.... December 2015 and NYE crew, We have started a spreadsheet for theme nights for Dec 1 thru Jan 5 (Jeff & Kim will be there for Dec 24-Jan 4). It has the day/date, Cancunecare Day Theme, Temptations Theme, Cancuncare Night Theme, and Special Notes (like anniversaries etc). It's an Excel spreadsheet so it can and will be changed as the group desires, and finalized sometime in mid to late November I guess. We'll do another one that has the dates everyone will be there so you can see who will be at TTR at the same time as you along with their profile pic. Another one of our TTR friends did this for one of our past trips and it was a great resource to have. So we need your suggestions, and we'll post the most recent version every 2-3 days for now and more frequently when we get a little closer. We will post the first edition (mostly as an example this Saturday !) We can also email you the .pdf when it gets finalized.
Room booked, paid... Flights booked, paid... Transfers..... Damn I knew there was something left to do!
A December 2015 theme night guide has been started. Your input is needed to fill in the undecided theme nights. Lets try to get this finalized by mid November so everyone has a chance to get their shopping done. You can find the December 2015 theme night guide here: http://www.cancuncare.com/forum/temptation-resort-cancun/33760-december-theme-nights.html#post767835
Dec. 4th - 10th. Our 2nd trip and cannot make it get here any sooner!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well I will be back again to have good times with old friends and new friends Nov 27 till Dec 8. I look forward to seeing everyone.
Here is the first version of the Dec 2015/NYE Guest List. Please let us know your suggestions, comments, ideas, etc. The actual .pdf version is better quality and easier to read. Also, the Guest list is several pages long but is a great to have to easily see who will be there when you are. Send us a PM with your email address if you would like receive both of these by email when they are updated (probably 2 or 3 times a week). [/IMG]