I'm soo going to have to record that you said that! :aktion025: (I need to figure out how to do sound effects on here. A bum bum bum! would have been perfect!)
I can almost hear the eeeek! :blueshock: or the ahhhhh0hhhhhh :aktion031: from here!! :lotsofmichaelfs:
Arriving at about 8pm on the 30/11 so the 1st is looking like a no go, although the 6th is more plausible, I'll have a word with my amigo, is the payment still via Paypal?? 25 days and counting tick tock tick tock
She's a great lady. She can take anything the Chaos Crew throws her way. Just be careful of her giving back, cuz she can. I know she'll be accepted and loved by all. :daisy: