Newbies hey NEWBIES ,CHECK OUT ,Cancuncare Boobs Cruise Mon 6 Dec (confirmed) if you are there early december... artytime:
This is the only confirmed cruise for december at this point "I think" and you get to cruise with Sue and the early December group. That sounds like fun:lotsofmichaelfs:
Pics Think I finally got a profile pic posted, but I know for sure that I got our Oct 2007 "theme" night pic posted. See you Dec 4th.
It's still too cold for me.....I've started the count down and Dec 10th can't come soon enough for me. The Chinook winds are said to be rolling in but they are not like they use to be. Too cold!! I need sunshine
Hey guys, Just got back to where I could use a computer, Anyway hope everybody is ready to party. Kay and I should be at TTR by noon on the 4th. We can't wait to meet alot of new friends. Hope everyone and play and party hard and have a great time.