First picture update for December has now been done. Please see the first post in this thread for details of who's there when. If you dont have a picture next to your name and would like one. Just attach a photo to an email with a note of your username and send it to me Any size pic is fine, I will resize them if necessary. Don't forget to add a note of your username so I know which account to add the pciture to.
We'll be there Dec. 3rd - 10th. It's our first vacation out of Ontario. We have heard some great things about Temptation! We can't wait. Excited!!! Anyone know what the beach is like? Most everyone we've spoken to hasn't made it to the I suppose that's a good sign but I have every intention (right now) of hitting the beach. :wink:
Bonjour, Hi all , We will be there from Dec. 13 to dec 20 our first time at Temptation and our first time in cancun ! Hope to meet nice people, and have a great time............ we are from ( east tern township in québec ) We just want to have fun , laugh, and make funny freinds :-o !! Thank for all the post... everybody sounds fun to be around. Sorry for all the bad mispells We are French !! ciao! S & R
Kirk and Diane Dec 28th to Jan 4th.....this will be our third New Years at Temptations. Can't wait to see everyone again. I miss you all soooo much. :lol:
Dommage que vous ayez pas prit les meme dates que nous. Nous nous y serons du 4-11 dec. On vous souhaite du plaisir et de belles rencontres Chabar
Dommage que vous ayez pas prit les meme dates que nous. Nous nous y serons du 4-11 dec. On vous souhaite du plaisir et de belles rencontres Chabar