One pound 30 P for a litre!! Is that gas or diesel? Where are the Sex Pistols, The Clash and the rest of the punkers, to stir up some anarchy in the country, now that the establishment is fleecing the working class! Ohh well. ... bullocks. Tis a pity. . . . At least Earl Grey is still cheap.
Topless Blondie here: luckily I had four days off after returning from TTR to adjust I went naked (while home) as much as possible and slowly, very slowly tapered my drinking so that I didn't freak out my liver. My first day back to work having to put on a bra and business clothes was, well, like wearing a straight jacket, yuck....Went to work with Guido Friday, he had to go to Eureka (on the Cali. coast) and after he was finish with inspections we headed to the beach. First thing that happened when my feet hit the sand, off came the top. :flash: I truly believe the girls should be free when all possible . Guido still laughs at me for handing security my top to hold for me while I was dancing @ Paty'os, he looked at me shaking his finger and handing it back. Being a newbie and my first night there I did not know you couldn't show boobs @ Paty'os..... :huh:
After that debacle last Thursday in Ontario (a Grit majority), and a forth coming budget to hike gas taxes to pay for improved public transit in the Big Smoke, we are discussing relocating to your province. 'Wild Rose Country' sounds more appealing than 'keep Ontario beautiful'.
I think northern California is even more expensive and the connections suck so it's a long trip to get there.