Is it still just 1 hour behind east coast, or will it be 2 hours? I think Daylight savings actually is March 9th this year, so that's why i'm posting this...
Mexico: DST to Continue per Established Schedule Daylight savings time will begin in most of the United States and Canada on Sunday, March 9, 2008 at 2:00 am, whereas Mexico will not change the traditional starting and ending dates. Daylight savings time in most Mexican states will begin according to the past schedule. In 2008, DST in Mexico will start on April 6, the first Sunday of April.
about what? the US will turn the clocks forward on March 9th. at 2am you turn the clocks to 3am. Thus, it will get dark one hour later in the US as of March 9th. However, this will not be the case in Mexico until April 6. So, compared to the US, the sun will rise (and set) one hour earlier in Mexico. close the curtains to avoid the light after wandering in from the bars at 5am.
Ugghh...not exactly. You HAVE TO worry abou it between 3/9-4/6. During that time, Cancun follows Mountain time. Before and after (except for 3-4 weeks in Oct and Nov), Cancun follows Central time as usual. But if you are using your cell phone as your watch, like me, it'll sync with the local time wherever you go.
I don't think it matters, because everyone will be too drunk to tell the difference of time. When the sun is getting ready to go down its time for dinner when its night fall time to hit the club. When the bartender calls last call its time for the after party. When the sun comes up its time to sleep.