Man I was going to come to your aid while I was reading the topic but Michelle capped it off on if you join in you must participate... YOYO....You're on your own in that one but we'll support you from here. I was wondering how a post I hadn't seen yet suddenly got three pages but understood when it was a bunch of women drooling over your body. Having seen you in person, you could pull off the speedo. Jamie
LOL! That's no fair Jaime! You can't dodge the rules by starting a new thread!!! :evil: You tricky devil you! :lol: ok....I'm off to think of some new rules....I'll call them cheaters rules.... :lol: Michelle
Come on girl.... it's not cheating... it's called thinking outside the box, or thread in this case. :wink: Besides... If DBD post his picture I don't want to have to kill the joy and turn everyone's stomache by posting mine. So say that I'm doing this for your protection. :wink: Jamie
LOL! Jamie now you KNOW it's called cheatin...square & simple! Since you claim to want to "protect" bout we start a new competition? :idea: For all those guys too bashful to post a birthday pic, you post pics of your feet. No shoes, no sandles, no nuttin...just your bare feet. There is one stipulation though. You must show your foot along side a ruler with the numbers clearly visible. Now you have NO excuse! :wink: Michelle
Hmmmm I got the picture but not the ruler... the picture is of my feet looking out past them over Cable Beach in Broome, Australia... Maybe I can photo shot a ruler in... you know one with a man's version of length. :roll: Jamie
What in the world am I gonna do with you Jamie??!!! You just REFUSE to play by the rules..... :lol: HUmmmmm....this sounds like a project for GolfHo...remember him & what he did to me when I got to BBG? Since we know when you will be at Temptations next, we shall have a big surprise waiting for you at check in as well as random, odd lot, "happenings" all throughout your stay. :lol: This is going to be soooooo much fun! :lol: Michelle
Before this gets out of hand, I think we need to propose a new rule. No Rulers Allowed At TSR. Anyone care to second?
Yeah I remember.. But with all the weird stuff that always happens to me at TTR... how am I going to tell the difference between normal and what you are planning? :roll: Jamie
Thanks, Dude!! I knew you would come to my rescue!!! But the ladies are right! I have to agree with them! You got to be in it, to win it!!! BBBOOOOO-YAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!