I need some help. 4 of us girls are going to Cancun 1 70 yr. old grandma 1 34 yr. old daughter and 2 under 18 grand daughters Ok, we would like to go dancing somewhere but not sure where the under age girls can get in. My mom and I used to go to Pat O'briens a lot. We really enjoyed the band there but I do not know if the rules are the same. Before, it did not matter - if you were there having dinner when the band started, they let you stay and enjoy yourself. Anyways, can you guys help me out. We perfer GOOD live bands but we like DJ's too. My Mom loved Pat O'briens. DOES ANYONE REMEMBER SWEET PEA??????I wonder what ever happen to him.
I do remember Sweet Pea....but have no clue as to where you can go dancing...I know someone will come in and get those answers for ya
Well whether this is the answer you were looking for....But I don't see anyone really ID people over in Cancun, and if they are with two other adults as you say. I don't think it would be an issue over there.. Like if you want night club dancing? There is The City nightclub, CoCobongos, Daddy O's. Daddy rocks. And Bull Dog Cafe. Smaller clubs are also scattered all over Cancun. And you can still go to Pat OBrians, or even Senior Frogs. Have fun
Thanks Alot, Do you know of any that have live bands and that aren't TOOO crzy for my mom - she is a live one but DADDY ROCK would be too much for her. LOL
lets the girls run off and live it up, hahaha, non of the clubs ID, I have seen 16 and 15 year olds in the clubs before!!
Well I know during Sprig Break they have a band at nights at the Bull Dog. More of a rock kinda old school songs...
Would you let your 15 year old daughter go to some of the clubs in Cancun at night??? Some of the restaurants would be ok, but I think the big clubs might be simply inappropriate for kids that age.
Well I saying that about hte night clubs if the adults go...Yeah I woulnd't recommend young kids go on their own really. the smaller restaurants are ok..
I also have never seen any club ID anyone all the times I have been there. I think anyplace you go to will not be a problem.