Finally paid the last bit of Cancun off. About time too! Anyone fancy telling me some fun, crude, exciting and whatever other kind of stories to get me looking forward to it more!
most my stories are X rated but hey......... make some stories of your own in cancun! Its just amazing down there............ soooooooooooooooooo much fun,
God you guys must be boring if the only stories you have worth sharing are filthy! Wheres the funnny stupid ones?
so.... a few years ago i was....well....REALLY drunk during the day at slices with gemma, claire, shauny, adam, dream, apple, and a few others............... so I starting dancing and grinding up on people I didnt even know............. and to this day I dont remember it....bad thing is they filmed it! enjoy [media=youtube]oYmUMy3S6Jc[/media]
I can add to this, he refused to drink a tequila i brought him, then he cut his foot and a mexican was trying to clean his foot up while he was still dancing :shock: