Customs questions - please help!

Discussion in 'Cancun Forum' started by holababy, Jun 12, 2008.

  1. holababy

    holababy Newbie Registered Member

    Jun 12, 2008
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    We are arriving in Cancun via Mexico City so we will be going thru immigration in MC. We will be arriving at the domestic arrival gate in Terminal 2 but does anyone know if that takes us to the baggage area and directly to Customs and avoids the Immigration area? Thanks :D
  2. Laura Mapchick

    Laura Mapchick Guest

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    One time our flight landed in Cozumel before Cancun (wierd) anyway, we all had to de-plane go through immigration , then get back on the plane and go on to Cancun. Once in Cancun we went right to baggage claim, no immigration since we had already done it. I would think it would be the same traveling throgh Mexico City but can't tell you for sure.
  3. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

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    The way it is supposed to work is that you must pass through immigration at your FIRST stop inside Mexico. So you will need to go to Immigration in Mexico City.

    Then you are supposed to go through Customs at your final destination in Mexico, so that would be in Cancun.

    But my experience with it is that if you enter at the domestic arrivals area in Terminal 2 in Cancun you don't end up having to go through Customs, even through you are supposed to. So don't sweat it if you get to skip the Customs part of it.

    And yes, you must pass the baggage claim in order to get out of the domestic arrivals area.
  4. Lala052206

    Lala052206 Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jul 16, 2008
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    I'm very confused about landing at the Mexico airport. I had read many forum about it but still little confused.

    I'll be going to Cancun for the first time in end of August....Can someone please tell me what i need to do, and what to expect when i land at the airport???

    Greatly appreciated for any information!
  5. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

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  6. Lala052206

    Lala052206 Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jul 16, 2008
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    Thanks Steve!
  7. Walshlaw

    Walshlaw Guest

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    I have traveled through Mexico City to Cancun twice previously without having to clear customs again in Cancun. I will be making the same trip this Fall.

    The Mexico City airport is no more difficult than any other foreign airport. Just follow the signs and don't be afraid to ask questions. You'll be fine.
  8. T.J.

    T.J. I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2003
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    Cancun. QR, Mexico
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    You are getting good information to your questions, but maybe not all of your questions.

    When you get off the plane in Cancun you will go to Baggage Claim, since you are coming in on a Domestic flight. After you get your checked luggage you walk toward the exit of the secure area. Customs is more or less on your left. If you stay to the right and don't make eye contact you often can walk right out. If someone asks you where you are coming from say Mexico, which means to Mexicans that you are coming from Mexico City. If they continue to question you or point you to the left then just deal with Customs and be done with it. Usually it is a non issue and quite quick, especially since most foreign tourists do not come into Terminal 2.
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