Full time bread and butter: Medical Photographer ( I can make you look good dead or alive Part time: Army National Guard Licensed Baptist Minister :angel: :headbanger: :angel: Jean Ann owns a daycare.
Sandy is an accountant at a local construction company. I'm a Certified Public Accountant with my own practice. I also teach continuing professional education to other CPA's and do that all over the US.
Disaster recovery for computer systems so that when Mother Nature or all you computer geeks screw up we can put the stuff back together. Chris is retired I wanna trade jobs with her. :wink: Jamie
CATV field technician, currently utilized in the role of Installation Inspector, Mrs B. supervises the pre-press department for a printing manufacturer.
Wes and I own rentals and also own a Mobile Home Park. Wes also drives a Mixer fulltime while I run the other stuff. I also dabble in placing foreign exchange students and recently licemsed to become a foster parent.