You very well might have gotten the real deal. Just because most of the cigars down there are fakes does not mean that there are real ones too. Either way, fake or not, it's if you enjoyed it that matters the most. Hell, I would take a fake Cuban on the beach in Mexico over a real one here in Albany any day.
Re: Cigars Cecilia, Sweet! Thanks for the info...what a great concept...all your needs in one place, that must be one of the the reasons I love that place so much and of course channel 8...LOL Thanks,
You must forgive him Derek.. he hasn't been there since they switch it to Channel 12 from Channel 6. :roll: And we'll forgive him for not remembering the channel since he never changed it the whole time he was there and therefore never had to remember where to go back too... Jamie
Yea you could say I'm more of a visual type of person...LOL Okay to tell ya the truth I never looked at the channel numbers...I just flipped through until I saw what I liked. :shock: