It was suggested that I stop working out because I was still too drunk from the night before. Didn't really go to the gym much more after that
Power snatches and thrusters at the sexy pool .... We are in!! But unfortunately we are missing you by a week!
You should be able to work in some Clean and Jertks sometime during your stay...or possibley some jerk and cleans.
FYI - I think if you take two size M shirts from your box to Revolver, they'll waive two drop-in fees.
If you enjoy your vacation, you will likely NOT workout. I hit the gym twice in the week I was there. Mostly to sweat off/out some alcohol!
We've both used the gym at TTR a few times each trip, mostly to work the kinks out. It doesn't seem to do much good, we still wake up with kinks some mornings. Or evenings, or afternoons. :angel1::ladiesman1::huh: