CrazyBeotch is back to REALITY? Not happy :( Trip Report

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by crazybeotch, Jun 2, 2008.

  1. crazybeotch

    crazybeotch Enthusiast Registered Member

    Apr 14, 2008
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    Well if it can happen it is better to happen in another country!!!! LOL

    May 24th...Off we go to Mexico.YEAH!... Why weren't we informed that every plane was gonna land at the same time..What the H!!! Was that all about...Just think your gonna get to the end at the bottom of the stairs.OH! NO! Cusoms was a disaster!!! OK... anyway we are finally in the van on our way and watching the ocean go by. Sassy looks like a kid at Christmas seeing the ocean. Great times! :) :) We finally made it d there and were amazed when we walked in with all the glamour! I felt like a queen until I had to tote 1000 lbs of luggage up the stairs... Room over looking the quiet pool...Which we never even got in! :p

    Ice was the greatest tour guide... Of course we showed him a new thing...Anyone for a dip in the Ocean! :blush:

    May 25th...Woke up early cause we sure didn't wanna miss anything... Should have waited bout 30 minutes later though... Got to the Sexy pool and they were starting the days activities... Yes the Oklahoma girls had arrived... Lets get it started off right..... :beergone: My first activity of the day and my first drink and already I am named Ms. Alcoholic...YEAH! They were so proud of me back home.... Lets Party! DadyRocks was like no other.... This doesn't happen back home.... A bottle of Vodka for me...OH Hell Yeah! Sassy had her own and boy did we show them how to party!.... Met some awesome people, and had a blast.... So coming back!

    May 26th...Coco Bongo! NO! The show was good, waist of money for partying...Let's go Sassy...Down to the City...What a blast... Where was I when the HaHa was flashed? Ask Sassy that one! We laughed about it the whole trip though....The stories we can tell! :lol:

    May27th...Let's go for a boat ride? Not ready to drink, but what the hey...Get it started off right and give me a double...Had to sweet talk for that...When T&D and Sassy and I sucked down 4 drinks in 10 minutes they knew that we were there to do some seroius partying... :daveandmo: Felt a little uncomfortable having my top what did we do....? Got topless and started the party... :michaelf: Can I tell you I felt like a kid at an all day waterpark! Senor Frogs? Water slide? Yes I was the first that night to go in...lost a few articles of clothing before and after.... Where does it end? Not gonna tell you...Have to find out for yourself cause I did.... :p
    I never wanted to get out of a taxi so bad, talk about loosing your buzz....3 minutes flat.... :blueshock:

    May 28th...Sassy didn't feel like being on her foot to much so she was an observer for the day.... Beach volley ball anyone....I think all the alcohol I drank came out in my pores during that....Great fun and very competitive people...Love them all! Later went to Basics and where did that guy go? You don't leave without me and I won't leave without you? That doesn't work I was left there to find my own way back....The five star resorts have nothing on Temptation that is for sure from first hand experience...There are nice people out there to help you out.... And even pay for the taxi ride home....Details if you ask :wink:

    May 29th...Wow can I get a drink...Im parched! LOL! Played a little volleyball and layed by the pool trying new drinks.... Where did the show girl go? That will so be on Youtube! :shock: Chilled at the pool all day then played a little poker! I think everyone won that night! :3some: What I saw my eyes should be burned out of my head! No not really.....Chilled all night and went to bed early...Gotta get up and make the last day count!

    MAy 30th... What would you like to drink Sassy? SLAMMERS! Wow! I am so proud of herwith her 21 plus, I think mine was somewhere around 25 or more, then off for some naked tequila volleyball! Where did Sassy go? Thanks to Irene for taking care of my girl while I was away! One last thing to do before I go hame....Roll in the sand...That was a mistake...LOL I think I brought the whole beach back with me...if you know what I mean! :roll: Oh yeah! the pics are coming from Sassy cause my camera went missing on Friday by the pool???? If anyone happened to pic it up and would like to get it back to me I would really appreciate it...I'm hoping I was being looked after and not robbed...That was a bum deal cause those were pics for my friends and family to enjoy as well as all of my new friends on here! It's a pink Polaroid digital with the initials JT on it.... :evil:

    Sassy and I really didn't fight that much! But for what's it's worth she is the best friend anyone could have and I am glad we took this trip!

    I am so booking for next year!... Those that missed out on the Oklahoma girls? Well we will return and be sure to look for us!

    The whole staff was awesome and friendly!

    Can I please go back now!
    Live with it...Change it...Or Eliminate it!
  2. tigers79monkey

    tigers79monkey Enthusiast Registered Member

    Apr 27, 2008
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    Great report" Sounds like you two had a wonderful time, I got my passport in the mail today, so I am ready for my trip to temptations in October, Now it will be the Oklahoma men's turn to party in cancun........ away from the resort, what was your most furn adventure ? :cheerleaders:
  3. NormsKid

    NormsKid Guest

    +0 / 0
    Nice TR! I like how you leave some stuff to the imagination.....adds humor and draws the reader into the words more. It was truly a fun read!

    So.....just how did your sidekick break her foot? A little bird told me that she got pissed off at you and tried to ram her foot up yur butt. That's not true is it?LOL!

    So what did she do......fall off the bar from drunk dancin? Do tell!!! (that's what friends are for right?) gals deserved to have the party of a lifetime. I'm glad it worked out for ya and you got to let it all hang out!

    What shall we dub your return trip? The OkieFest? You no doubt will have some followers going down with ya next trip....

  4. funcouple

    funcouple Addict Registered Member

    Aug 19, 2006
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    Loved the TR. Was so nice meeting both you and Sassy. You guys are awesome. Looking forward to seeing you next year. Never been to a club in Cancun ..... maybe you can take me to one and show me how to party ... :lol:
  5. icecube88

    icecube88 I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Mar 22, 2007
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    Jamie....You and Sassy rock!!!! :headbanger: That is a great TR... I'm glad to hear you had a great time...You need to PM me and fill me in on some of your trip that you are letting me leave to my imagination...That could be dangerous.....LMAO!!! :lol:
  6. SASSY08

    SASSY08 Regular Registered Member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    she luvs me.... awwww..... and for the broke foot I did get it confirmed from DR. that I do have a fracture on my ankle....bummer... the boat is the place of the fall...... if you wanna know more just ask :lol:
  7. SASSY08

    SASSY08 Regular Registered Member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    We will just see how well you OKIE guys can party.... if you like I am sure that me and Crazy can show you a few tricks before you go :wink:
  8. kim-n-john

    kim-n-john Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jul 8, 2007
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    Great report sounds like a blast!
  9. crazybeotch

    crazybeotch Enthusiast Registered Member

    Apr 14, 2008
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    Well I had a blast at all the clubs, the best one of all I would have to say was Basics....Discoteque...but with the open sky and the bouncing dance floor....makes for great views if you know what I mean :lol: ....

    As for my girl we really didn't fight, but it made a good story when we got home, with all the bruises we both had all over us...Where did they come from? :wink:

    If you haven't gone out of the resort, it's a must to go see the night life... beware of the taxi rides home at 4 in the morning :shock:


    Live with it...Change it...Or eliminate it!
  10. icecube88

    icecube88 I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Mar 22, 2007
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    Jamie i understand what your saying about the taxi ride... I came back from CoCoBongo and we maded it back in 5 mins at 100mph... When through 2 red lights....Can you say HANG on...LOL...
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