ive been planning a little crash course before cancun and it was scheduled for the day after the superbowl (due to the massive intake of beer and junk food). The crash course is designed to top off what i have been working out these past few months. I am seeing results from working out but im only at the gym 3X a week. this crash course includes NO junk food, and no liquids except for water and the occasional gatorade will enter my body, at the gym everyday..lifting 3X a week and running and biking everyday..maybe some swimming mixed in there..also abs 4-5 days a week and heres the kicker... IM NOT DRINKING ANY ALCOHOL UNTIL MARCH 8 IN CANCUN!!! my plan was to cut out beer only but i was thinking about it and i figured why just beer? go big or go home was always my motto so im goin for it all! plus my tolerance is waaaaaaay to high at this point and cutting out alcohol for a while might lower it so i can actually get drunk in cancun without having to drink 20 beers and 10 shots haha anyone else have anything like this planned?
youre probably right but its spring break! the no drinking thing will probably be the hardest..it will be a great challenge and a very rewarding first drink at my hotel when i arrive!
I am doing pretty much the same thing. It is going to be tough though. I am going to not drink until I head to Cancun on the 18th. I am already in the gym all the time, just need to refine the diet and cut out the booze. Salads, vegetables, egg whites, chicken, and fish will pretty much sum up the diet. Also my supplements. Anyway, got to get it done!!!
Its one thing changing your diet and working out more, but to me cutting out alcohol is overboard an unnecessary.
youre right but its more of a challenge i guess..i mean this next month im going to have to have to have a lot of self disipline and will power and i figure why not challenge myself a little more..and now im counting down going to cancun AND drinking when i get there! it will be double the pleasure once i arrive in paradise!
you will be the victim if you dont drink until then!! haha drinking is the pits because the next day i dont go to the gym and i eat mcdonalds or chinese
I agree with you do not drink if you are planning on shredding up. Alcohol lowers your testosterone levels which is what builds muscle so stay away it's only 6 weeks which shouldn't be that bad. It all depends on how much you want it. Drink as much water as possible throughout the day. 6-8 litres if possible, you will be in the bathroom all day for a bit but it flushes your system out. Make your diet strict but give yourself 1 cheat meal a week. Pick maby supper on a Saturday night. If your diet is to hard your system will not accept it and you will crave to much. Stay away from sugar or foods high on the glycymic index since it will cause you to store fat. Eat as much green veggies as possible and as everybody knows eat 5-6 meals a day. I have a few diets from friends that compete I can help you out with if you want.
20 beers? probably true but keep in mind by tollerance you also drink miller lite which no differnt then drinking 0.5's you can pick up at safeway. Typical "American beer drinker" just ride the bike for 30 more minutes don't torture yourself by cutting beer out of your life. your young live life to it's fullest & get hammered on a Tuesday just because your roommate John scored a C+ on his intro to American history mid-term and dad's not cutting off his funds. but what do I know, I'm a drunk as hell right now because I will be in Cancun in 2 days and I can't sleep unless I pass out because how excited I am.